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As mature people, we have developed attitudes in relation to ourselves and our environment which have lifted is above childishness in thought and behaviour.


  1. We accept criticism gratefully, being honestly grateful for an opportunity to improve.

  2. We do not indulge in self-pity and have begun to feel the laws of compensation operating in all life.

  3. We do not expect special consideration from anyone.

  4. We control our temper.

  5. We meet emergencies with poise.

  6. Our feelings are not easily hurt.

  7. We accept the responsibility of our own acts.

  8. We have outgrown the 'all or nothing' stage, recognising that no person or situation is wholly good or bad, and begun to appreciate the Golden Mean.

  9. We are not impatient at unreasonable delays. We have learned that we are not arbiters of the universe and that we must often adjust to other people and their convenience.

  10. We can endure defeat and disappointment without whining or complaining.

  11. We do not worry unduly about things that cannot be helped.

  12. We are not given to boasting or showing off in socially unacceptable ways.

  13. We are honestly glad when others enjoy success or good fortune. We have outgrown envy and jealousy.

  14. We are open-minded enough to listen thoughtfully to the opinions of others, and do not become vigorously argumentative when our views are opposed.

  15. We are not chronic fault finders.

  16. We plan things in advance rather than trusting in the inspiration of the moment.


In terms of spiritual maturity:

  1. We have faith in a Higher Power.

  2. We feel an organic part of humankind as a whole, contributing our part to each group of which we are a member.

  3. We obey the spiritual essence of the Golden Rule: Love thy neighbour as thyself.

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Gamblers Anonymous
c/o Teach Mhuire,
39 Gardiner Street Lower
Dublin 1, D01 KC83


01 872 1133

087 262 2804 (10am-10pm) 



[email protected]

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